Welcome to LCBA!
We are a not for profit group that is interested in beekeeping education, honey bee pollination, honey bees and beekeeping in the Lexington County area of South Carolina.
Whether you want to learn how you can support the bee population in your neighborhood or learn how to get started as a beekeeper, this is for you! Come to share, ask questions, learn and have fun! We hope you will be able to join us. Masks are not required. Feel free to wear one if you choose.
Next Meeting:
December 15, 2024
1:30 PM
LCBA Christmas Party
Pelion Senior Center
210 Pine St,
Pelion, SC 29123
This holiday season, we’re buzzing with excitement to invite you to a special Christmas Celebration!
Join us for an afternoon of fun, good food, and festive cheer as we come together to celebrate our shared passion for bees and the joys of the season! Whether you're a longtime beekeeper or new to the hive, this gathering is the perfect opportunity to connect with fellow enthusiasts and enjoy the festive season.
Register and sign-up to bring a covered dish to share and enjoy the festive feast with us!
Exciting giveaways! (Including a drawing for several gifts, including our grand prize Hive!)​​​​
Now accepting ​​2025 Dues! Our yearly membership runs January through December. Please click on this link to learn more and submit your dues 2024.
Beginner Beekeeping Class
We are working with SCBA and will offer a spring beekeeping classes. If you have an interest or questions before the class is scheduled and published, please email lexingtonbeekeepers@gmail. com or call for more information.
Upcoming Events
Check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/212181950280629/
Please go to Upcoming Events for more information.
Monthly Meetings​
3rd Sunday of the month at 2:30 pm
(dates adjusted around holiday weekends)
See Events for more detail and locations
Membership Information
Please contact us at Lexingtoncountybeekeepers@gmail.com
with any questions.
Click on the link above to join and to see what else is in the store.
Annual Family and Single Memberships available
You must be a member to purchase or attend event and meetings.
Support Your Local Beekeepers
Want to help us help the Bee Population?​
Donate Now using the
Donate PayPal Button
Donations are not tax deductible; however, all donations will go toward setting up our Lexington County Beekeepers Association and will help us educate and inform new Beekeepers and Bee Lovers.