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Upcoming Events
- Sun, Feb 16LexingtonThe South Carolina Beekeepers Association (SCBA) President, Jim Strohm, will join us at LCBA. He will introduce himself and share things happening this year with (SCBA). Join us!
- Sun, Jan 19PelionHappy New Year! LCBA is excited to meet with everyone! Whether you’re a seasoned beekeeper or just getting started, this meeting is perfect for learning, sharing, and connecting with other local beekeepers. Come and get the knowledge you need to create the best home for your bees! 🐝✨
- Sun, Dec 15Pelion Senior CenterLCBA is buzzing with excitement to invite you to a special Christmas Celebration! Join us for an afternoon of fun, good food, and festive cheer as we come together to celebrate our shared passion for bees and the joys of the season!
- Sun, Nov 17LexingtonLCBA is excited to meet with everyone! Join our LCBA group as we learn about products from the hive such as candles and soap.
- Sun, Oct 20Pelion Senior CenterLCBA is excited to meet with everyone! Join our LCBA group along with our speaker, Dean Umbarger this Sunday. As a fellow beekeeper in the Lexington County area, he will share beekeeping knowledge, share things he has learned around his production and distribution, among other items and wisdom.
- Sun, Sep 15Lexington County Public LibraryLCBA is excited to meet with everyone! How are your bees? Having issues? How are you dealing with ants? Any problems that you experienced this summer? How has your honey production been? What methods and setup do your have for the fall? Any preparations started?
- Sun, Jun 23Lexington County Public LibraryGot treatments? If you have need, then your bees most likely have mites. Come to visit and learn different treatments possible. Regardless if you are super experienced or new and want to learn!
- Sun, May 19Lexington County Public LibraryHoney Extracting. Want to learn how to extract honey? Join us for the May meeting to review steps and see different methods on how to extract your honey. We will demonstrate tools to use and various methods to process. Regardless if you are super experienced or new and want to learn!
- Sun, Apr 28GilbertSplits. Are you in a situation where you want to make honey or bees this year? Manage swarms by making a split. If you have multiple boxes, you can make a split to create multiple hives.
- Sun, Mar 17Lexington County Public LibraryMy, My, My...Swarms are all around. How to catch and keep a swarm!
- Sun, Dec 17LexingtonDecember Christmas Social is Sunday, December 17 at 2:30 PM. Bring any finger foods or snacks; drinks are being covered by LCBA. If you would like to participate, we'll have some fun with a White Elephant gift exchange--bring a wrapped gift $20 or under. This will BEE Fun!
- Sun, Nov 19West ColumbiaNovember is the month of gratitude and thankfulness. Not only we are grateful for honeybees, we're also thankful for "Products from the Hive". Bring your covered dish and items you have created or made. Beekeeping is not required, so come to learn, share and talk bees!
- Sun, Oct 15Lexington County Public LibraryAs we prepare for our hives for winter, Allen Johnson from Johnson's Bees & Supplies will present at our October LCBA meeting to discuss "Treatments". He wukk review different types of treatments for pests, when to treat and/or how to treat.Come to ask questions, share and talk bees!
- Sun, Sep 17Mark Hardenbrook's Apiary-ThreeTreeBeesWe're heading to the country in September. Fall is in the air and it is time to begin to prepare for the winter! We'll have hands in the hive to review reduction methods, winter checklist items, methods to store equipment, and more!
- Sun, Aug 20Lexington County Library (Main)Chief Apiary Inspector, Brad Cavin will join us to educated and better prepare you to quickly identify honeybee diseases. With regular inspections conducted, learn how to identify these and options on how to have your samples inspected or how to collect samples to send into labs right here in SC!
- Sun, Jul 16Lexington County Library (Main)July we will have a Honey tasting and sensory class. You'll never taste honey the same way again. Learn how to characterize the sensory profile of honeys--light, dark, flavor profiles. Like wine, cheese, coffee and chocolate, honey has a diverse selection. This will open up your tasting palate.
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